Exploring the world through monographs. The challenge of the IB Diploma Programme

Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa

At Eurocolegio Casvi International Private School, students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme embark on an exciting intellectual journey: the creation of their own monographs. These independent research assignments allow them to explore topics of their choice, deepen their understanding and develop essential skills for their academic and professional future.

In order to achieve an optimum result, in the first year, our students make an initial presentation to teachers and classmates on the chosen subject and how to channel it. The aim is to correct possible mistakes and to help our students with any doubts they may have.

Join us on this journey through the world of monographs and find out how our students face this challenge with competence and enthusiasm!

Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa


The Monograph is more than just an essay; it is an opportunity to dive into a specific topic and analyse it from different perspectives. Students select a topic related to one of the IB DP subjects and, through a rigorous process, research, write and present their findings. Let’s see how this process is carried out:

Choice of approved theme

Students explore their interests and select a relevant topic. What are they passionate about? What issues do you want to investigate? What issues do you want to investigate?

Preparatory readings

Before immersing themselves in writing, students do some preliminary reading. They consult sources, study previous research and immerse themselves in the context of their topic.

Formulation of the research question

The research question is at the heart of the Monograph. It should be clear, specific and challenging. Students define their question and set the boundaries of their research.

Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa

Planning and structure

With the question in mind, students create a detailed plan. They organise their ideas, design the structure and define the subtitles. The monograph should flow logically and present solid arguments.

Drafting and proofreading

The writing begins. Students write their Monograph, cite sources and argue their points. They then proofread and edit thoroughly to ensure academic quality.

Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa


Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa

The Monograph is not only an academic requirement; it also offers significant benefits:

  • Skills Development: Students hone their research, writing and critical analysis skills. They learn to evaluate evidence, synthesise information and present sound arguments.
  • Comprehensive preparation: The monograph is an excellent preparation for university and professional life. Students acquire transferable skills, such as the ability to manage projects, communicate effectively and think critically.
Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa
Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa
Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa
Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa


Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa
Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa
Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa
Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa

The IB Diploma Programme is not just about monographs; it is a comprehensive programme that enriches our students’ curriculum in multiple ways:

  • Global Thinking: The IB DP fosters intercultural understanding and global awareness. Students explore issues from diverse perspectives and become global citizens.
  • Creativity and Action: In addition to the Monograph, students participate in creative, sporting and community service activities. This promotes a balanced approach and personal development.
  • Emphasis on Values: The IB values enquiry, empathy, integrity and reflection. These values are integrated into all subjects and activities.

In short, the IB Diploma Programme is not only an academic challenge, but also an opportunity to grow as a whole person.

Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa
Elaboración de las monografías por los alumnos del Programa Diploma de Bachillerato Internacional en Casvi Villaviciosa
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