Casvi Villaviciosa, one more year, chosen among the best IB schools in Europe

Casvi Villaviciosa de nuevo entre los Mejores Colegos IB de Europa.

Good news for Eurocolegio Casvi International School. For the third consecutive year, IB Educations Advisors LTD, prestigious academic advisors, have included us in their ranking of the 100 Best IB Schools in Europe.


It should be recalled that during the last school year, we were also included among the “100 Best Schools in Spain” in the Ranking published by the newspaper El Mundo; in the Top 100 “Best Schools in Spain” of Forbes magazine; and among the “50 Outstanding Schools” of the list compiled by the digital newspaper El Español.

This is rounded off by the award of three major prizes in 2023:

Premio Europeo a la Calidad Empresarial para el Grupo Educativo Casvi, entre ellos el Colegio Privado Internacional Casvi Villaviciosa.


Casvi is among the 100 Best IB Schools in Europe becausefrom the early age of 3 years we face challenges in musical and plastic arts. Also in sports, robotics, drama… Working collaboratively and applying learning as the culmination of the processes, to real situations and contexts”. These are the words of Juan Luis Yagüe, director of our school. This is possible because Casvi is among the few schools in Spain that has implemented all three IB Programs, that is, the IB Programmes Continuum. The PYP in Kindergarten and Primary Education. The MYP in Secondary. And the Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

In this way, we have the opportunity to achieve the modelling of the IB profile attributes from the age of 3. Based on this premise, teaching and learning approaches are developed at Casvi which, over the years, have been used in the development of the PYP programmes and MYP make students with diverse abilities, ready to undertake the demanding and challenging Diploma Programmerecognised throughout the world and which opens the doors to the best universities on the planet. The destination our students desire.

In addition, the coherence and optimal coordination to offer a quality education from an early age is continuously achieved.


The International Baccalaureate is an organization of world schools that promotes a curriculum framework that is not just a syllabus.

  • It prepares students for life by confronting them with real-life situations from an early age.
  • Stimulates their curiosity for research by offering an individualized education.
  • Encourages independent thinking. And to be the drivers of their own learning, fostering their critical thinking and self-discipline. This will help them to be prepared for the future.
  • It helps them become more aware of cultural differences by learning new languages. This allows them to relate to others in a more globalized world.
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