Orientation program

The main mission of the orientation program school is to contribute to achieving one of the school's objectives. All our students must achieve an advantage at university, in the world of work or in any situation in life. To this end, the aim is to discover everyone's personal talents. And assist them in developing areas for individual improvement. Thanks to th orientation program, we provide them with the necessary tools to achieve this in collaboration with the whole educational community of Casvi Villaviciosa.


The main objective of the Orientation Program School isthe pedagogical monitoring and counselling for teachers and families. As well as knowledge of pupils’ needs in order to adjust the most appropriate educational response, with particular emphasis on in those pupils with specific educational support needs. This is the case of the specific learning difficulties, ADHD, high abilities, late entry into our education system, language barrier, or personal conditions that require a specific educational response. Response to enable them to achieve the maximum possible development of their personal capacities.

School guidance to teachers and parents to offer strategies that favor the optimal development of the student.

Control and information on the school situation.

Orientation program and counseling to students in the different stages of their school life.

Child psycho-pedagogy and case follow-up.


As our main objective is to help our students to pass successfully through all the educational stages, the following psycho-pedagogical actions are carried out from the School Guidance Department of the International Private School Eurocolegio Casvi:

Actuaciones psicopedagógicas del departamento de Orientación en el Colegio Privado Internacional Eurocolegio Casvi
Actuaciones psicopedagógicas del departamento de Orientación en el Colegio Privado Internacional Eurocolegio Casvi
Actuaciones psicopedagógicas del D

Support the teaching and learning process

The objective is to meet the needs of the student body.

Maturational delay

Early detection of students with developmental delays in the different areas of development.

Foreign students

Plan and organise specific attention for foreign pupils with no knowledge of the Spanish language or with curricular differences.

Psycho-pedagogical evaluation

Child psychopedagogy to offer recommendations to parents and teachers to treat learning difficulties of students.


Diagnose High Capacities and advise the teacher when planning differentiated instruction.

Counseling and equality

Pedagogical advice to the center and guarantee equal opportunities of access, permanence and promotion in the educational system.

Integration, equality and inclusion

Facilitate social and educational integration.


Enhance the enrichment aspects of diversity.

Attending and advising

families, teachers and students.

Reading comprehension and fluency

To evaluate the Reading Comprehension and Fluency of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Primary School students through Glifing.


To evaluate the skills that condition the fundamental learning of students in 1st, 3rd, 6th grade and 3rd Secondary in order to establish possible reinforcements or extensions.


Through this platform and a socioemociogram, they assess the socioemotional competencies of interest for the teacher's educational practice, as well as to know the social and coexistence climate. Objective: prevention/detection of bullying cases.


The decision-making process should be carried out by the student him/herself, never by other members of the educational community (parents, teachers, tutor, guidance counsellor), who, on the other hand, have the responsibility to provide the orientation program and information they need to carry it out.

Vocational Guidance contributes to facilitate the decision making process of each student regarding their academic and professional itinerary. In this way, the Guidance Department carries out the following actions, among them, school counseling:

Different activities

Activities for students to know and value their own abilities, motivations and interests, reflecting on their competences, abilities, aptitudes...

Information sessions

School counseling on educational and employment options, facilitating links and participating in fairs. In addition, a vocational orientation meeting is organized with former students, so that they receive first-hand information on different higher education studies and career opportunities.

Interviews and meetings

Individual interviews are held to discuss individual peculiarities with each student, planned in 3rd and 4th Secondary School, and 2nd Baccalaureate. On demand in 1st Baccalaureate. Also school counseling in the form of informative meetings with families to inform them of the center's curricular options.

"Training in the present for jobs of the future."

We are working with this program because we are aware that the professional and educational landscape is changing. For this reason, starting in 4th Secondary we propose to our students in a personalized way five possible professions, with high employability and that fit their profile. At the same time, they are advised on the academic training necessary to achieve them.

Feria de Universidades para la orientación vocacional en el Colegio Privado Internacional Eurocolegio Casvi
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