Best art colleges in Spain
Casvi Villaviciosa is one of the Best art colleges in Spain in which this type of education is worked on in the classroom. It is carried out as the most effective strategy to encourage creative thinking and assist in future problem solving.
Within the best art colleges in Spain, we can affirm that we generate and strengthen skills and abilities that can be applied to other disciplines, or even to their professional future. It also develops psychomotor, cognitive and communication skills. Because of this, children learn to know themselves better. It also helps them to express their inner world and to develop their imagination.
In artistic schools such as Casvi Villaviciosa, these disciplines are worked on on a transdisciplinary basis. Moreover, we are pioneers in introducing measures to give them the value they deserve and the same level as other subjects.
As an artistic schoolwith the objective of giving the subject of music the value that it deserves in our educative proyect, we have pioneers in the introduction of some measures.
- The number of hours in which Music is taught has been increased.
- They are specialist teachers who, in Casvi Villaviciosa, among the best art colleges in Spain, are in charge of the classes.
- We teach Music from early childhood education
- Use of a variety of instruments.
- Prevalence of practicality over theory.
- New Technologies to develop projects.
- And there are two specific music classrooms.

Extracurricular activity aimed at all those who want to specialize in the technical and interpretative learning of music.

Different levels from early chilhood to Baccalaureate. Alumni and parents can also participate in them.
Groups and choir
Within this music school there are different MUSICAL GROUPS and the CHOIR, which participate in different artistic events of the school. Even they organize their own concerts.
It also has different instrumental specialties: piano, guitar, flute, clarinet, singing, electric guitar, electronic bass, drums, saxophone, violin, ukulele...
Personalized attention
Classes are taught in individual and little groups.
Being among the best art college in Spain. of Madrid, we are fully aware that, in the society in which we live, it is essential for our students to be able to face a stage; to present before an “unknown” audience what they learn and what they are “experts” on, reaching with solvency that attribute so important for their future as it is to become good communicators.
In artistic schools theatre must be the most efficient tool to get it. And so it is at Eurocolegio Casvi International Private School. Also to put into practice such important skills for their personal development as teamwork.
From Casvi we promote all this from our THEATRE SCHOOL, with our own innovative theatrical productions, as well as with adaptations of Disney classics such as “Beauty and the Beast”, “Frozen”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Encanto” or “The Wizard of Oz”. School that helps us to detect and foster the artistic talent of our students.
We do by Spanish and English and in different levels:

- Calderon level (from early childhood to 4º Primary). The objective is to introduce the student to the world of dramatization through play.
- Lorca level (from 5º Primary). The objective is to strengthen memory by learning short texts to perform in public and to learn to improvise.
- Shakespeare level (in English and from 5º Primary). In addition to the above objectives, we promote oral expression in English.
With the aim of going one step further as the best art college in Spain, in the education of our students, as well as enhancing the skills and abilities that are worked on in class, Casvi offers, as an extracurricular activity, our SCHOOL OF ART.
The plastic techniques that we offer are: watercolor, pastel, graphite, charcoal, acrylic, oil, ink…
The sculptural techniques are clay, modeling clay, textils, modeling with recycled elements…

At all times, the artistic schools seek to detect and promote their talent. Because of this we are pioneers in the introduction of measures destined to confer the value it deserves to these artistic disciplines.
- The number of teaching hours has been increased.
- Its teachers have the degree in Fine Arts.
- In Primary School they begin to receive the first technical notions so that they can express what they want through new techniques and materials.
- In Secondary School the promotion of creativity is promoted not only as a personal artistic development, but also as a basis to apply it to other subjects (since all of them have a creative component).
- In Diploma Programme (IB)students who choose Arts will develop as artists, expressing their interests in an artistic project of their own creation, very personal, which will be exhibited at the end of this stage, and which will be directed by the students themselves under the supervision of their teacher.
- We have two specific art classrooms with appropriate material to be able to develop artistically in a full way. Including our photography and lighting set.