Awarding of diplomas to the graduates of the Diploma Programme (IB) in Casvi Villaviciosa for the 2022-23 academic year.

Alumnos de Programa Diploma en Casvi Villaviciosa

Once again this year, the best news came at the beginning of the summer. The good results of the students who attended the Diploma Programme (IB) in Casvi Villaviciosa. Again, their average score (31.76) is higher than the world average (30.24). The other good news has come with the month of September. The awarding of diplomas for our latest graduates of the Diploma Programme (International Baccalaureate).

These are some of the best images of this award ceremony for the graduates of the Diploma Programme (IB) in Casvi Villaviciosa.


Not so long ago, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme was reserved for the very best students. Currently, thanks to the continuum of the IB Programmes (PYP, in Kindergarten and Primary Education, MYP and DP) that we have at Casvi, we offer all our pupils, from the age of 3, a very clear methodology. A methodology that allows to increase the percentage of students who can access this brilliant curriculum.

Through this transdisciplinary, international and intercultural learning, students are encouraged to achieve their academic and personal goals. This leads them not only to excel in their studies, but also in their personal growth.

In order to teach them, schools must obtain the proper authorization. When a school receives the authorization to offer the IB programs, it is called “IB World School”. Casvi Villaviciosa, in fact, has been recognized among the top 100 IB Schools in Europe by the prestigious academic advisors “IB Educations Advisors LTD”.

Alumnos de Programa Diploma en Casvi Villaviciosa


From the first years of learning, the different IB Programs benefit our students in the following ways:

  1. Preparing them for life by confronting them, from a young age, with real challenges and situations.
  2. Offering them an individualized education.
  3. Stimulating their curiosity for research.
  4. Encouraging them to think completely independently.
  5. Encouraging them to be the drivers of their own learning. And encouraging their critical thinking and self-discipline. Both circumstances will help them to be prepared for the future as adults.
  6. And finally, helping them to become more aware of cultural differences by learning new languages. This makes it easier for them to relate to others in a more globalized and constantly changing world.

The achievement of this prestigious Diploma Program (IB) opens the doors to the best universities in the world. This is where our students fulfill their dreams. Grand Valley State University or Clarke University (USA), EHL (Switzerland), University of Glasgow or Kingston University London (UK), University of Maastrich (The Netherlands)… These are some of the universities that will be the destination, this coming academic year, of our recently graduated students.

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