From the early years, the aim is to get to know our students in order to be able to adjust the educational response to their needs. Hence the different education support programmes that are implemented by all the departments of the Casvi Educational Community, including the Guidance Department.
For special educational needs, including high intellectual ability
From their passage through the PYP stage (Kindergarten and Primary), one of our objectives will be to identify those pupils who require special attention due to their excellence. Those in need of ordinary education support and reinforcement. And those whose academic performance is associated with learning difficulties.
In this way, both your teachers and the Guidance Department ensure the necessary resources so that, without the need for private classes, they can achieve:
- The maximum possible development of your personal abilities without the need for private tutors or private lessons.
- The objectives established in general for all students.
- The development of the IB Learning Community profile.
- Inclusion of these students.
- And adjust the educational response to the student needs, as well as establish the most appropriate methodological adaptations or specific measures of access to evaluation.

Eurocolegio Casvi International Private School has new developments. In addition to providing a response to this profile of students in the classroom, through personalised enrichment and extension activities, as a novelty, new activities have been created:
In the “Talent Classroom”, High Ability Primary School pupils are given the opportunity to share with peers with similar interests and concerns. Also, to be an active part of what takes place in this classroom. The teacher is a guide to learning.
These “Learning Spaces” are aimed at Secondary students. Challenges, activities, competitions… are proposed. The last one they have participated in is the “First Lego League Challenge”, where they won the First Prize for Robot Design. This team, under the name of Casvibrick, was made up of primary and secondary school students.
It should be noted that the students attend on a voluntary basis, which favours a high level of commitment and active participation of the attendees.
In addition to these general measures, the following specific school support is also provided to our students:
In addition to the general measures, mentioned above, so that there is no need for private classes, at Eurocolegio Casvi International Private School we also carry out different actions. In other words, more concrete education support measures for our pupils:
The number of hours per subject is higher than that established by the Consejería de Educación (8 hours more per week than in public education). In this way, our curricular project is better adapted to the individual characteristics of our students and their abilities.
In Secondary and Baccalaureate. These are support and reinforcement classes scheduled outside of school hours for different subjects. Classes taught by your teacher in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Latin, Language and Languages.
For pupils in the first years of primary school who need to consolidate their reading skills so that they do not have to use a private teacher.
Programme of Attention and Education Support for pupils with specific educational support needs, with special emphasis on giftedness.
Participation of High Ability and High Potential pupils in Aula de Talento, in learning spaces and competitions inside and outside the school context.

Special school support for international students
In order to cater for the school’s diversity, international pupils are offered education support in the form of additional Spanish classes. After a level test, foreign pupils, regardless of their origin, will receive Spanish classes in addition to school reinforcement during the school day.
In addition, new students are fully integrated into the foreign language classes with the rest of their classmates. In the case of English, they are placed in groups according to their level of linguistic competence.
In the case of German and Chinese, if they have not studied these languages before, the respective teachers establish a differentiated attention programme to facilitate their integration.